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Integral Pelvic Therapy® 

Integral Pelvic Therapy® (IPT) is a complementary health care technique that offers a holistic approach to pelvic health. IPT connects the medical with the emotional and energetic/spiritual world. IPT aims to restore the balance in the area of the pelvis, allowing full flow to the natural healing capacity of the body.


It is our mission to ensure pelvic health for everyone

in a safe and accessible way. 


IPT is suitable for everyone who has pelvic related issues like pain during sex, trauma, emotional or physical pain in the pelvic area, erectile dysfunction, painful menstruation, fertility problem, infections or numbness/pain in the pelvis after gender altering operation. As we believe in an holistic approach, Integral Pelvic Therapy works on different layers: the mental, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual layers.


Mental : After the intensive intake and informed consent, the first session follows. During this session, we’ll discuss the pieces of your life that are not in balance. The balance can be achieved by coaching. 

Physical : Through soft and precise external and internal techniques, the fascia and muscles in the pelvis are examined, smoothed out, and adhesions solved. Trigger points are addressed, as well as other tension patterns, allowing the pelvis to function in balance again. As a result, instead of a numb or painful feeling, the sensitivity will return, which allows the natural self-healing capacity of the body to work its wonders.

Emotional : It often happens that emotions are stored in the body, especially in the vulnerable area of the pelvis. IPT lets you experience the feelings so that they can be processed and released.

Energetic : Energy can be felt like a kind of electrical charge in your body. If a blockage occurs in this, it feels like a “stiffening” in the tissue. After treatment, the energy can flow freely throughout the body. You can have a natural glow about you; radiating confidence and joy.

Spiritual : Unprocessed events in your life or family can impact your system. By using bodywork and visualization techniques, you can give these events a place. The restored balance can result in feelings of aliveness and vitality. 


IPT Treatment

The pelvis is a beautiful, unique and mysterious place. It is the place we all originate from, the place that bears life, creations, ideas. 

Unfortunately, a lot of us have stored feelings of shame, fear in their pelvic area. When things “down there” aren’t functioning the way you’d like, it can feel uncomfortable to bring this up. During dinner or tea with friends, most of us would rather share about headaches a sore back than about an erectile dysfunction, painful vagina, unwanted urine loss, or lack of sex-drive. Besides, even if we do open up about this; it’s not always easy to find the right professional help.


Luckily, it doesn’t have to be like that. There is! a way you can live free from discomfort, in full contact with your body, whilst setting healthy boundaries as well as fully enjoying your sexuality, with the ability to express your full potential. 


  • Pain during sex

  • Pelvic trauma

  • Lack of sexual drive

  • Unexplained pain in the pelvic area

  • Unexplained (lower) back complaints or tailbone pain

  • Unintended urine loss

  • Feelings of guilt or shame

More specific symptoms:

  • Heavy menstrual pain

  • Uterus / bladder prolapse

  • Chronic inflammations of the vulva

  • Vulvodynia

  • Vaginismus

  • Trauma due to sexual abuse

  • Traumatic delivery

  • Fertility problems

  • Painful/numb scar tissue after giving birth or Caesarean section

Integral Pelvic Therapy is designed to help you to restore the natural balance in your pelvis.

So far, with IPT, we have helped many people reconnect with their pelvis.  People suffering from vaginismus that are now able to enjoy sex without pain or discomfort. People feeling more grounded and centered; experiencing a sense of “homecoming”; more in touch with their core! 

Tension in your body

Tension can get stored in the body due to a physical, mental or emotional stress.


Mental and emotional stress 

Your body has a memory of its own. Going through life, we all experience things like failure, disappointments, fear, suffering, sudden loss of a loved one, illnesses or accidents. All these experiences, when not expressed or released properly at the moment they occur, or very soon after, can get stored in the body. 

The body then literally braces itself; it tenses up to be prepared for the (mental) blow. A lot of this is reflected in our everyday language: “I braced myself”, “I held my breath”, “I’m hanging in there”, “pushing through” etc. All this tension, worry, fear, and anxiety eventually leads to tense muscles and restricted fascia; over time, the body becomes less and less flexible; as does the mind. When under a lot of stress; our mental flexibility also suffers.


Physical stress

Physical stress can develop due to heavy physical activity, wrong posture, pregnancy, giving birth, surgery or repetitive movements that are strenuous to the body. This kind of stress affects the muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor. Fascia can get restricted with stiffness, aches and pains as a result.

Pelvic floor muscles: sometimes the muscles of the pelvic floor have become hypertonic (too tight) which can cause problems like chronic pelvic pain, numbness or pain during intercourse, vaginismus or erectile dysfunction. Unexplained chronic lower back/hip pain and/or constipation problems could be due to a hypertonic (too tight) pelvic floor. Stress can also result in a hypotonic (too weak) pelvic floor, which can contribute to problems like stress incontinence or organ prolapse. Most people, however, have a combination of both.

Fascia: The fascia is connected to the muscles in the pelvic area. It is an interwoven system of fibrous connective tissue that is found throughout the body. Fascia provides a framework that helps support and protects the entire body as a unit, as well as serving a role in the immune system. In the normal healthy state, the fascia is relaxed and wavy in configuration. It has the ability to stretch and move without restriction. But the fascia can become tight or restricted due to stress. When the fascia is restricted, it will pull on the muscles and cause trigger points in the muscle tissue. This can also cause problems like an uneasy, tight feeling in the pelvic area, pain during sex, feelings of disconnection from the pelvis, painful cramps during menstruation or orgasms that are experienced as being painful. 


Sexual harassment or abuse 

Unfortunately, sexual harassment still happens all too often. It can be at home or in the outside world, during childhood or later in life. All these traumatic experiences become locked in the body. Trauma of this kind is mostly stored in the pelvic area. This kind of wounding often leads to difficulty in setting healthy boundaries in all aspects of life and often problems with relationships. Also, this pain and trauma can have a devastating effect on the general wellbeing and the whole experience of life.

IPT rates

Intake                         65

Single session          210

Intake + session      252

Starter package       595   intake + 3 sessions

Follow-up package  555   3 follow-up sessions

For more information about IPT  Click here

For appointments & questions Click here

Keri is a member of the IPTA trade union. In 2019 the Integral Pelvic Therapy Association was founded to create a platform for Integral Pelvic Therapy Practitioners and their clients. Members of the IPTA work with protocols according to high standards, which guarantees safety for patients and measures that guarantee quality.

As a member of the IPTA, you must comply with the act WKKGZ, according to Dutch law. By joining the IPTA, all members can become a member of NIBIG, which provides a complaints and disputes committee. Also, joining offers the possibility of taking professional liability insurance, which is unique within Europe.

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